Cool stuff from around the web, discovered by Khronos' WebGL working group.
- Flashback by @UkskSan (GPU intensive)
- Shadertoy illustrating PBR by @knarkowicz
- Textured rectangular area light by @pixelsnafu
- Denoise filter with WebGL demo by @BrutPitt
- 404kph by @jaburnsnet
- Fast hexgrid ray-traversal by @iquilezles
- Lantern Girl by Dorado
- WebGL 2.0 enabled on top-of-tree WebKit! by @grorgwork
- Updates and fixes to THREE.Meshline by @jeremboo, @_RyKi_, more c/o @thespite
- Procedural Physically based BRDF for Real-Time Rendering of Glints by @xavierchermain et al
- Steinway & Sons Grand Piano Action Model by @angel_e_cormier
- Furry Nebula by @aqro
- Maquette sculpture done in VR with Adobe Medium by @bayraitt
- Hutger Rauer (4k Intro port) by spolsh
- Fancy Drawing in WebGL with Babylon.js
- Pirron Island Forest Demo by @PlayingInCanvas
- Revelio! Harry Potter WebAR experience with @the8thwall by @Hoopla_Digital
- Earth Now Pioneer by NASA
- How to get best Lighthouse scores with <model-viewer>
- SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) model by @FusionMedicalCG
- Power hammer Nazel 4B by Osho
- Head Anatomy & Musculature by @FusionMedicalCG
- Vacation Mode Github Action by @lucasrangit (so @mrdoob can take a vacation!)
- “indications” by @sukupaperu
- Constructive Solid Geometry demo by @PavelBoytchev